Jennifer’s Story Coaching Changed My Life

My first career was in telecommunications. I enjoyed my work and wasn’t looking for a change, but a magazine article on coaching made me reconsider everything about my job and my professional career.

It was 2005 and coaching was beginning to catch on in business and lifestyle circles. The article talked about the skills required to become a good coach—patience, adaptability, creative thinking, a passion for helping others. These were skills that came naturally to me and that I’d been using personally and professionally for as long as I could remember. I felt a strong urge to use these same skills to help leaders.

I enrolled in the world’s first coach training school, CoachU. Upon graduating in 2009, I started my own coaching practice. Over the years, I have refined my method, and today I use somatic-led coaching and training to help leaders in various sectors lead with more authenticity, empathy, and energy.


A faithful leader cares deeply about the people they work with. They are committed to helping their team members develop new skills, to serving stakeholders with their whole being, and to delivering the results necessary to move their organization forward.

They also know that their own self-development is critical to their team’s performance.


An empathetic leader builds trust by forming meaningful relationships with their team. They are appropriately vulnerable and show their human side. This results in less group drama, greater collaboration, and increased productivity.


An authentic leader knows their strengths and weaknesses. They know when to step up and take charge, and also when to let a team member with more skill and experience take over.

When you lead with authenticity, you build the respect and the trust you need to move your organization forward.


An energetic leader comes to work recharged and ready to tackle whatever the day brings. When you find the right balance between activity and rest, you bring vitality to the workplace that sets you apart and motivates your team.


A creative leader never stops looking for new ways to improve and sees curiosity as a super-power to be wielded for good. When you are unafraid to try different approaches, you bring innovation and determination to your organization.


I am confident that you hold the answers to whatever it is that is holding you back from being a great leader. Having the right help at the right time makes all the difference. My goal is to give you the right support so that you can zero-in on the crux of the problem, crush it, and become the leader you were born to be.


I carefully consider the questions I ask my clients. My goal is to open your eyes to a new way of being, of thinking, of doing. I teach clients how to listen to the pure wisdom their body has to offer and to pinpoint the experience(s), thought(s), and emotion(s) that keep them from moving forward. Sometimes, it’s an experience from earlier in life or negative thoughts stemming from a recent conversation at work. It can also be a vague feeling of inadequateness that needs defining.


I want my clients to excel at work and in life, and I select my clients carefully. I look for self-starters and people who are motivated to embrace change. I meet with clients 1:1 during highly focused, 30-minute sessions, and then support their learning and growth with unlimited email and text exchanges outside of meeting times. Most clients witness dramatic change in their behavior and attitude in less than 30 days.

The journey to self-discovery is one that I am honored to take with clients. It is one of the main reasons I am passionate about coaching leaders. Many clients are delighted with how quickly they achieve meaningful change and real results. You possess the key to your success. Let me help you find it so you can unlock your strengths and use them to become the best leader possible.


Spaced Learning

Everyone has unique learning needs. I provide clients with experiential, spaced learning opportunities and access to personalized learning resources. These resources include podcasts, videos, books, documentaries, and academic journals. Leaders can use these tools to gain new insights and knowledge.

In coaching, I help clients identify the best tools and navigate learning resources, a lifetime benefit that supports their ongoing development and evolution.


Somatic awareness encourages clients to work with the whole body, not just the mind. Our bodies are a repository of past experiences and our reactions to them. In the coaching setting, I work with clients to find the source of long-held perceptions and unprocessed emotions (especially about their leadership abilities) and help them develop healthier behavior patterns.